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New Year's Eve: Expectations vs Reality

Because it’s never how you want it to be, is it?

NEW YEAR’S IS NEARLY always a disappointment, isn’t it?

No matter how much it’s hyped up as the biggest party night of the year, if you venture out you always end up wishing you were at home in bed. Meanwhile, if you’re at home in bed, you always wish you ventured out.

Never fear – we’re here to manage your expectations of New Year’s with a hearty dose of reality.

Expectation: Ringing in the New Year at a mad house party with all your good friends.

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Reality: Ringing in the New Year with your good friend, Jools Holland.

jools Source: Flickr/Nick J Webb

There he is now, giving you a big wave.

Expectation: A relaxed New Year’s at the pub.

shutterstock_115758409 Source: Shutterstock

Just you and your pals having fun.

Reality: Having drink spilt on you while simultaneously being trodden on by about five different people.

Spill Source: Huffingtonpost

Expectation: Toasting to a good year to come with champagne.

LkKGInA Source: Imgur

Reality: Half-heartedly mumbling “best wishes” before tossing back a shot of cheap vodka/the rest of your can of Dutch.

giphy Source: Giphy

Expectation: Getting the shift from an absolute ride at midnight.

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Reality: Getting a kiss on the cheek from your Auntie Mary at midnight.

auntie Source: Shutterstock

Expectation: Everyone cleanly and quickly crossing arms to sing a rousing rendition of Auld Lang Syne.

New Year revellers Source: PA Archive/Press Association Images

Reality: The whole thing becoming a tangle of limbs and half-remembered lyrics. 

tumblr_m5nbajVxQm1qbaj4uo1_500 Source: Tumblr

Yeah, maybe you should just stay in bed.

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